More Resources

The following resources contain tools and guides for anyone attempting to quantify and reduce their own food loss and waste, as well as reading materials providing additional background on the causes, extent, and effects of food loss and waste.

The slides provided may be used for other presentations and materials, as long as proper attribution is given to the original source.


Case Studies


“Bright Science. Brighter Living.” is the motto of Royal DSM. Since 2016, DSM’s CEO has been a member of the Champions 12.3 coalition of executives committed to being vocal advocates within their own operations and on the global stage for addressing food loss and waste. The United Nations’ call to halve food loss and waste worldwide by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3) is one of the key drivers of the company’s ‘Purpose-led, performance-driven’ strategy.



1/3 of food is loss or wasted between farm and fork. This amount of food loss and waste consumes 1/4 of water used by agriculture. If food loss and waste were a country, it would be the world's third largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Reducing food loss and waste means conserving water, reducing GHGs and ensuring food security.


A first-of-its kind analysis of 42 hotels in 15 countries found that for every $1 hotels invested to reduce kitchen food waste, on average they saved $7. This infographic presents 5 action items hotels could take to reduce kitchen food waste.


One third of the food the world produces ultimately goes uneaten, costing the global economy $940 billion a year. This infographic shows the benefits countries, companies and cities can reap if food loss and waste is reduced.



Powerpoint presentation of Champions 12.3's organizational overview and metrics on food loss and waste.


Presentation for the launch of Champions 12.3's 2017 progress report.